Friday, October 3, 2008

New Life Children's home in Jalaca, Honduras

This is my beautiful Sarahi.  She lives at the New Life Home for Children in Jalaca, Honduras.  Her smile brightened every single day!  There was nothing better than walking down the stairs and watching her scream "Tia Nancy, Tia Nancy" as she ran into my arms.  

Sarahi loves to dance, sing and laugh.  She was a blast!!

This is Sarahi on the last day.  We had the opportunity to provide lice treatments for all the girls and my friend Lana (who is a super make up artist to the stars) gave each of the girls a haircut.  It was a wonderful day.  All the girls felt like princesses!   

This was our last day at the orphanage and she was very sad that we were leaving.  She sat by my bag and pouted.

Josue snuck on the bus for one last hug as we were leaving.  He was one of the tough little bullies that was in desperate need of serious love and attention.  And God sent me there to give it to him!!  We had such an awesome time sharing the story of Jesus with these boys and then watching the change begin to happen in them as they accepted Jesus into their hearts!

Pray for her and all the children at the New Life Home for Children.  This home is a blessing to these children.  The economic situation in Honduras is very bad.  Most families cannot afford to feed their children, clothe them, or send them to school.  Most families have to allow their children to enter a government program called INFA.  This program actually takes the children away from their homes and places them in a building that resembles a federal prison.  Barbed wire, metal bars on windows, dozens of bunk beds in one large open area are just the tip of the iceberg when describing this program.

New Life Children Home is making a difference for some of those children.  Approximately 30 children are given a safe place to live.  There are no more than 3-4 children per room and they have a school onsite.  So, each child is receiving an education, three meals a day, and uniforms to wear all from a Christian foundation.  Here the kids get to be kids...

Pray for the children, the people teaching them and raising them, also pray for the parents.  It cannot be easy to let your child go because you cannot provide for them.

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